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Our Role as Business Leaders in Our Community

We have all heard the old saying that time is the most valuable commodity. As a leader, it can often feel as though our plates are so full that we have little time for anything else. However, I encourage you to consider the value of becoming an active leader in your community.

The benefits of supporting the community not only come to the organizations you support, but also to you, your employees, and your organization as a whole.

Business Disputes – Lost Profits and Incremental Expenses

By Jason Bogniard, MBA, ASA, CVA, EA | Principal, Business ValuationMay 11, 2021 Damages can be calculated with reasonable certainty, and are most often done so using “Lost Profits” as the measure of the alleged damages.  Much like it sounds, Lost Profits represent the amount of money that the plaintiff requests the court to award to …

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I’d like to assemble an advisory board! Where do I start?

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader In my last article, I presented one of the benefits of an advisory boards as the ease of its creation. Though that is true, the upfront work should not be taken lightly. There is nothing worse than assembling the ‘wrong’ compensation of advisory board members.  Before fully greenlighting an advisory board, I encourage you to invest a full day workshop with your …

I’d like to assemble an advisory board! Where do I start? Read More »

The Advisory Board: Is it right for my organization?

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader How different the world looks and feels in March 2021? Crazy to think a little over thirteen months ago, I finished up my last business travel via air travel for an Advisory project. Since then, I have yet to step foot on a tarmac. Though ‘how’ we do business has changed drastically, our clients and customers are still …

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Business Disputes and Calculating Damages

By Jason Bogniard, MBA, ASA, CVA, EA | Principal, Business Valuation If a business has been around long enough, chances are some misunderstanding or outright misconduct has happened with a vendor, customer, or employee.  At times, these business disputes require some mediation or litigation process to help reach a resolution.  At the heart of many …

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Protecting Your Financial Identity

By Mark Lapikas, CPA | Principal, Tax With a previous break of Equifax, an estimated 143 million Americans’ information was compromised. In 2015, Anthem was breached compromising personal data of roughly 80 million Americans. Criminals are constantly seeking new ways to obtain your data which begs the question, “How do I protect my personal information?” …

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AGP Advisory: The Ultimate Financial Due Diligence Checklist

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader The merger and acquisition market remains active even through trying times. Over the past two years, an average of over 13,000 deals were completed for small and mid-size businesses—that’s over 35 deals a day. The act of buying or selling a business can be complex and time consuming. Luckily, we have provided some insight into …

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2021 Retirement Plan Limits

November 2, 2020 The IRS released updates to retirement plan limits in 2021 last week: 2021 Retirement Plan Limits 2021 2020 2019 401(k),403(b) and 457(b) Deferral Limits      $19,500 $19,500 $19,000 401(k) and 403(b) Catch-up Deferral Limits  $6,500 $6,500 $6,000 Annual Limitation on Compensation             $290,000 $285,000 $280,000 Defined Contribution Limitation                      $58,000 $57,000 $56,000 …

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