Apple Growth Partners

Ep91: What’s Happening in Youngstown

In today’s episode, Jeff Leo Herrmann from the Youngstown Publishing Company joins Chuck & Brittany to discuss all things Youngstown! Jeff shares why Youngstown has been dubbed “Voltage Valley” and key developments in the area. Jeff also discusses his role as CEO of The Business Journal of Youngstown Publishing Company and his predictions for print …

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Apple Growth Partners Positions for Growth by Naming Erica Ishida President/COO

CLEVELAND, Ohio – (April 21, 2021) – Apple Growth Partners (AGP), award-winning accounting and business advisory firm, has named Erica Ishida, MPOD, president and chief operating officer. Ishida joins chairman Chuck Mullen, CPA, CMA, MTax, CGMA, to execute the firm’s aggressive growth strategy.   Erica Ishida, MPOD, joined Apple Growth Partners in 2020, having previously …

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I’d like to assemble an advisory board! Where do I start?

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader In my last article, I presented one of the benefits of an advisory boards as the ease of its creation. Though that is true, the upfront work should not be taken lightly. There is nothing worse than assembling the ‘wrong’ compensation of advisory board members.  Before fully greenlighting an advisory board, I encourage you to invest a full day workshop with your …

I’d like to assemble an advisory board! Where do I start? Read More »

The Advisory Board: Is it right for my organization?

By Brandon Fredericks, CPA | AGP Advisory, Leader How different the world looks and feels in March 2021? Crazy to think a little over thirteen months ago, I finished up my last business travel via air travel for an Advisory project. Since then, I have yet to step foot on a tarmac. Though ‘how’ we do business has changed drastically, our clients and customers are still …

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IRS Announces Federal Income Tax Filing Extension

March 18, 2021 The IRS formally announced federal income tax filings due date for individuals for 2020 tax year will be automatically extended from April 15, 2021 to May 17, 2021. The deadline postponement ONLY applies to INDIVIDUAL Federal income tax returns and tax (including tax on self-employment income) payments otherwise due April 15, 2021, …

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Reminder: Banks Have Their Own Deadlines for the PPP – and May Have Already Stopped Taking Loan Applications

March 17, 2021 By Robert Jackson, CPA Some potential borrowers who thought they had until March 31st to apply for a first or second draw PPP loan are finding that their bank has stopped taking applications, or will stop in the coming days, short of the actual deadline. While legislation to extend the deadline through May …

Reminder: Banks Have Their Own Deadlines for the PPP – and May Have Already Stopped Taking Loan Applications Read More »